Carpaccio with Arugula Manouri Cheese and Mastiha-Scented Olive Oil

Main Ingredients 8 portions
16 slices paper-thin slices beef tenderloin (raw)
¼ cup Mastiha-scented olive oil
2-3 Tbsp. lemon juice
Salt and coarsely ground black pepper to taste
1 bunch arugula, washed, dried and torn or coarsely chopped
125 gr. of manouri cheese (or ricotta salata)
2 fresh plums, cut into wedges
Lay the carpaccio slices on a large platter.
Whisk together the Mastiha olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Brush the carpaccio slices lightly with the marinade.
Break the cheese over the arugula and garnish with plum slices. Pour over remaining dressing and serve.