
Baked Sardine Dolmas with Mastiha-Tomato Sauce

There are certain Greek classics I wanted to include in a book about Mastiha. Dolmades the savory stuffed grape leaves that have become synonymous with Greek cuisine, are presented in a slightly modern version below, wrapped around the quintessential Mediterranean sardine and served with a Mastiha-flavored tomato sauce.

Warm Broiled Tomato Soup with Mastiha-Yogurt

Tomatoes and Mastiha were a surprise discovery for me, after I sampled Mastiha-flavored tomato sauce from mastihashop and was immediately won over by the easy pairing of the two. I borrow the idea below in this lovely, simple summer soup. Use the best vine-ripened fresh tomatoes.

Chilled Roasted Pepper Soup with Mastiha-Feta Cream

I have a special affinity for Mastiha, feta, and roasted red peppers. This soup essentially evolved out of one of my all-time favorite Greek dishes, a spicy whipped feta and pepper dip. Here, the quantities are reversed, the peppers in much greater quantities than the cheese.